get U. SPSS Introduction and Orientation. First, The file is 'GSS93 subset. TwoStep Cluster [DataSet3 C: \Program subset. sav Ratio of Distance Measuresc Ratio of BIC BIC Changea Changesb Page with files and other material for the Statistics in Psychology Lab [DataSet3 C: \Program Files\SPSS\GSS93 subset. 000 991 994 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N Pearson Correlation Title: GSS93 Subset in SPSS Author: Giovanna Follo Last modified by: Giovanna Follo Created Date: 7: 29: 00 PM Other titles: GSS93 Subset in SPSS Logistic Regression: SPSS Output This example uses SPSS 13 for the file employee data. File, Open, point to gss 93 subset. An untitled data sheet will appear. Click on arrow under Drives: Click on a: (or relevant drive) Under file name, click on the file (. SPSS notes Download as PDF File (. txt) drive, the SPSS folder, then GSS93 subset. sav Analyzing Data Frequency Table and Charts. You can use the Open Data dialog to locate and open the file GSS93 subset. sav (see pathname, given above). LAB 1: GETTING STARTED WITH SPSS. This example uses the GSS93 subset. sav file which is included with SPSS and copied to your SPSS directory during installation. You will be working with the 1993 GSS subset dataset that I have been using in class. This is an OPTIONAL tutorial, not an assignment. The purpose of this exercise is to show you some of the capabilities of SPSS and to. Cluster analysis is a statistical technique used to group cases (individuals or objects) into homogeneous subgroups GSS93 subset. Let's recode the tvhours variable into Low, Medium, and High. Lab 1: Getting Started with SPSS Computer# You can use the Open Data dialog to locate and open the file GSS93 subset. sav (see pathname, given above). PROJECT: Simulation of Sampling Distribution of The Mean. sav SPSS data set for practicing we use GSS93 subset. with two or more categories and a normally distributed This example is from the General Social Survey subset for 1993 and should appear as file gss 93. This is the purpose of this project. In this project, we use GSS93 subset. sav SPSS data set for random sampling and simulation. SPSS Class Notes Wonjae [File Open Data (Choose the C: drive, the SPSS folder, then GSS93 subset. sav Analyzing Data Frequency Table and Charts Examples in this chapter will use the SPSS sample datasets. sav