HSK Level 1; HSK Level 2; HSK Level 3; HSK Level 4; HSK Level 5; HSK Level 6; About; HSK Level 4 Vocuabulary Word List. HSK Level: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; HSK Level 4. This hsk vocabulary list level 4 contains 1200 basic Chinese vocabularies needed for HSK exam level 4. HSK, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi or the Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized exam which tests and rates (Advanced Level) HSK Test Vocabulary List. Complete HSK Level 4 vocabulary list to help you pass the hsk test. Sep 03, 2016This video presents the 600 words of the official list of vocabulary required to pass the New HSK test level 4. learn HSK Level 4 Vocabulary words. Start studying HSK Level 4 Vocab List. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Written Chinese HSK Test Vocabulary Lists to Rock Your HSK Exam. Download the HSK Level 4 Vocabulary List PDF. Download the HSK Level 5 Vocabulary. Jul 04, 2015Here is the vocabulary list for HSK level 4. These vocabularies are required to take HSK level 4. I attached the meaning of each word beside the words, and. HSK Vocabulary and Sample Tests. HSK Level 4 Audio HSK Level 4 Introduction, sample test, and vocabulary list (A sample test is provided at the end of the document) HSK level 1 vocabulary list includes 150 required vocabulary words and phrases. You can also download the pdf version. HSK Word List Level 4 356 37 bifng north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River There are total 1200 words in this HSK 4 Vocabulary List. Passing HSK level 4 proves that you cancommunicate fluently with native Chinese speakers. Mar 25, 2014Vocab List HSK Level 4 contains the complete set of vocabulary for HSK Level 4 exam. With English translation and clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal. Vocab List HSK Level 4 contains the complete set of vocabulary for HSK Level 4 exam. With English translation and clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal Browse the Latest New HSK Word Lists HSK 4: hanzi only Some of the level 3 examples highlight the usage of a single point. Buy Vocab List HSK Level 4: Read 1 Apps Games Reviews Amazon. com Practice your HSK 4: 600 words vocabulary with flashcards in hanzi and pinyin Dictionary data from CCCEDICT. This file is licensed under CC bysa license. HSK 4 list Intermediate level vocab for learners who can converse fluently about a wide variety of topics in Chinese. Complete Vocabulary Lists: Word lists for HSK levels 1, 2 New HSK: Complete Vocabulary Lists: Word lists for HSK levels HSK level 4 vocabulary list. Oct 26, 2016hsk vocabulary level 4. pdf download every 60 words with simple chinese sentences. with pinyin and english voice The following lists include all HSK words of HSK levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Han Trainer Pro HSK Edition (HSK vocabulary trainer) and