Understand the Characteristics of ComputerMediated Communication Since you will use the computer to communicate your thoughts and ideas to others in our online. What are the features of computers Answers. com ADVERTISEMENTS: Let us make indepth study of the characteristics and limitations of computer system. Characteristics of Computer System: A computer system is better. Characteristics of Games offers a new way to and rewardeffort ratioand using these characteristics as basic points of comparison computer games. Basic Concepts of Computer Computer is an electronic device which is used to store the data, as per given instructions it gives What are the two types of computer software? com Sep 09, 2012Much of the world runs on computers and computers profoundly changed human life mostly for better. What is the characteristics for computer: Speed Storage capacity is another big characteristic of a computer. A computer can store large amount of data. This data can be used at any time and also from any location. The storage capacity of a computer is measured in Mega Byte, Gega Byte, Tera Byte. Computer is a versatile machine. They are used in various fields. Data in computer terminology means raw facts such as name of a person, name of a city, amount of a thing etc. A processed data is called information. That is, data are aggregated and summarized in various meaningful. How can the answer be improved. Characteristics of the OS My Computer My Documents. 1 Key Characteristics of Computer Memory Systems Location Internal (e. processor registers, main memory, cache) External (e. Computers types I, Computer: principal characteristics of personal computers are that they are singleuser systems and are based on computerstypes. appreciate the need of computer security 1. 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTERS The characteristics of computers that have made them so Basic Concepts of Computer: : 9 Can you improve the answer. Dec 07, 2010Characteristics Features of a computer The increasing popularity of computer has proved that it is very powerful and useful machine. Apr 19, 2015Characteristics of computer. 1) Automatic: Given a job, computer can work on it automatically without human interventions. 2) Speed: Computer can perform. Pdf characteristics of computer. Be fed into the computer in a systematic order to perform a specific task. The major characteristics of a computer are high speed, accuracy, diligence. The characteristics of computers that makes them an essential part of every technology. Types of computers The four types of Computers The major characteristics of computer can be classified into speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and memory which are as follows: 1. Speed: The computer is able to process the date and give the. Computer Characteristics Computer are used to transmit, store and manipulate information i. , data Data type: Numeric data Character data Graphic data Sound To process a particular set of data, the computer must be given an appropriate set of instructions called a program. There are 8 important characteristics features of a computer. This post give you an idea of Characteristics of a computer. A computer is an electronic computing device which performs the execution according to the given set of instructions called program. It accepts the data, processes it and produces the information. Hence specific characteristics of particular computer viruses, or of particular Computer Viruses Matt Bishop COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Pdf characteristics of computer. Be fed into the computer in a systematic order to perform a specific task. The major characteristics of a computer are high speed, accuracy, diligence. The characteristics of computers that makes them an essential part of every technology. characteristics of computer pdf in hindi. Desktop computer Wikipedia The characteristics of computer are Speed, Accuracy, Automatic, Endurance, Versatility, Storage, Reduction of cost, Intelligent quotient. Super computer The characteristics of computers that have made them so powerful and universally useful are speed, accuracy. Characteristics of Computers A computer is an intelligent amplifier that performs the abovementioned The characteristics possessed by computers can be. Characteristics of Computer Presented By: Tamoor Malik 2. Computer Comes from the word Compute